• Results
Where do you gain your energy from?
Outside or inside?

Compare each of the five statements in turn and click on the options that are most like you. If you're not sure what to pick, think about your personal preferences when you're at home.


I am more Extrovert

E people tend to
  • gain energy from people or things around them
  • recharge their batteries by being active
  • be confident
  • be assertive

I am more Introvert

I people tend to
  • gain energy from inside themselves
  • recharge their batteries by spending time alone
  • be careful
  • be good listeners

How do you take in information?
Do you look at the detail or the big picture?

Compare each of the five statements in turn and click on the options that are most like you. If you're not sure what to pick, think about your personal preferences when you're at home.


I am more Sensing

S people tend to
  • have their feet on the ground
  • be good at thinking 'inside the box'
  • be practical
  • be realistic
  • be sensible

I am more iNtuitive

N people tend to
  • like to think about how things could be changed
  • be good at thinking 'outside the box'
  • be imaginative
  • be creative
  • be dreamers

How do you decide things?
With your head or your heart?

Compare each of the five statements in turn and click on the options that are most like you. If you're not sure what to pick, think about your personal preferences when you're at home.


I am more Thinking

T people tend to
  • make decisions by doing the 'right thing'
  • like fairness
  • be logical
  • be objective
  • be honest

I am more Feeling

F people tend to
  • make decisions by considering how it will affect people
  • like to be liked
  • be sympathetic
  • be friendly
  • be caring

What is your attitude to life?
Planned or spontaneous?

Compare each of the five statements in turn and click on the options that are most like you. If you're not sure what to pick, think about your personal preferences when you're at home.


I am more Judging

J people tend to
  • organise themselves
  • relax once things are complete
  • be logical
  • get things done
  • be on time and on schedule

I am more Perceiving

P people tend to
  • be flexible
  • be able to relax with things left incomplete
  • be spontaneous
  • be open-minded

You're a:

Lots of Black bears work in:
Famous People

The Buzz personality profile was developed by icould partner David Hodgson.